
Süßigkeiten aus Skandinavien erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit.
Ob Lakritz aus Finnland, Schokolade aus Island oder Pralinen aus Schweden - dank ihrer Sortenvielfalt und des besonderen Geschmackserlebnisses sind Süßwaren aus dem hohen Norden ein besonderer Genuss.

S-Märke supersalt, 2kg Box
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S-Märke Supersur, 2kg Box
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S-Märke Sura 18 x 80g
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Salmari salmiak Lakritzlikör 25% vol 24 x 30ml
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excl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Saltverk Lakritzsalz, 90g
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Sam Erdbeeren Weingummi zuckerfrei 2kg
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Sam Pfirsiche Weingummi zuckerfrei 2kg
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Sam Salzmäuse Lakritz, zuckerfrei 2kg
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Sam Schnuller Weingummi zuckerfrei 2kg
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Sam Waldbeeren Weingummi zuckerfrei 2kg
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Samaani Salmari Lakritz-Likör 21% vol., 500ml
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Scandi Candy Jordgubbsskruv 2kg
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Scandi Candy Saltlakritsskruv 2kg
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Scandi Candy Sötlakritsskruv 2kg
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excl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Shot 4.4 Lakrits 25% vol., 500ml
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Sirius EITT SETT Bitar, 24 x 285g
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Sirius Pipp Karamellu Schokoriegel, verpackt
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Sirius Pralin Eitt Sett Schokoriegel, 25 x 40g
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Sirius Rjomas Karamell-Meersalz-Salzlakritz, 18 x 150g
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Sirius Rjomas Schokoriegel, 25 x 46g
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Sirius Rjomasukkuladi Schokolade Apfelsine/Karamell, 18 x 150g
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Sirius Rjomasukkuladi Schokolade Idol Karamellu, 18 x 150g
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Sirius Rjomasukkuladi Schokolade Karamell-Meersalz, 18 x 150g
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Sirius Rjomasukkuladi Schokolade Praline-Karamell, 20x100g
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Sirius Schokoriegel Karamell & Meersalz, 25 x 46g
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Susu Original snack countline, 25 x 40g
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Svenska Remmar Hallon 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Svenska Remmar Kola 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Svenska Remmar Salt Lakrits 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Svenska Remmar Söt Lakrits 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Toms Colabit sur Mega, 3,2 Kg
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Toms Delfol Saltpastiller 2,5kg
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Toms Jordgubbsbit sur Mega, 3,2 Kg
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Toms Kokosdröm 3 Kg
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Toms Mega Häxvrål, 3,2 Kg
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Toms Melonbit sur mega 1,9 Kg
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Toms Mintbitar stora 3 Kg
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excl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Toms Pingvin Lakritz Twist 12 x 275g
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Toms Salta Hallon 3 Kg
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Toms Screech 2,7 Kg
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Vidal Remmar sur Cola 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Vidal Remmar sur jordgubb 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Vidal Remmar sur melon 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Vidal Remmar sur persika 60 x 50cm, 5,4kg
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Vidal Stubbar, saure Cola, 2kg
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Vidal Stubbar, saure Erdbeere, 2kg
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Vidal Stubbar, saure Melone, 2kg
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Vidal Stubbar, saurer Regenbogen, 2kg
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505 to 563 (from a total of 563)