
Süßigkeiten aus Skandinavien erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit.
Ob Lakritz aus Finnland, Schokolade aus Island oder Pralinen aus Schweden - dank ihrer Sortenvielfalt und des besonderen Geschmackserlebnisses sind Süßwaren aus dem hohen Norden ein besonderer Genuss.

Ahlgrens Bilar, 36 x 125g
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Ahlgrens Däck, 42 x 110g
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Ahlgrens Saltlakrits, 42 x 100g
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Aroma Apfel-Holunder, 20 x 80g
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Aroma Colabåtar, 4 kg
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Aroma Fruktbåtar, 2,2 kg
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Aroma Himbeerboote 4kg
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Aroma Klockor XL Salta, 1,8kg
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Aroma Klockor, Cola-Zitrone, 1,8kg
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Aroma Lakritzboote 4kg
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Aroma Persikor syrliga, 2,2 kg
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Aroma Rätt & Gott Godismix, 14 x 140g
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Aroma Rätt & Gott Lakritzmix, 14 x 140g
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Aroma Salmiak-Frösche, gezuckert, 4 kg
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Aroma saure Boote, 1,8kg
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Bitez Saltlakrits 36 x 80g
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Bitez Sötlakrits 36 x 80g
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Bubs Bananen, 2,8 kg
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Bubs Bananen, Mini, 3kg
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Bubs Bläckfiskar salt, 2,4kg
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Bubs Bläckfiskar sauer, 2,6kg
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Bubs cool Cola Skalle, 3kg
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Bubs cool Himbeer Skalle, 2,6kg
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Bubs cool Passion Ananas, 2,6kg
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Bubs Dizzy Skalle, 2,6kg
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Bubs Fruity Pear Mini, 2,6kg
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Bubs Himbeer-Lakritz Schaum Skalle, 2,8 kg
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Bubs Himbeer-Lakritz Skalle, 4 kg
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Bubs Himbeer-Lakritz Skalle, mini,  4 kg
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Bubs Himbeer-Lakritz Skalle, zuckerfrei, 4kg
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Bubs Ovaler Hallon-Blåbär, 2,8 kg
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Bubs Ovaler Melone, 2,8 kg
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Bubs Ovaler Salzkaramell, 2,8 kg
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Bubs Ovaler Salzkaramell, mini, 3kg
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Bubs Saltskallar, 16x90g
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Bubs Saltskallar, 3,4kg
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Bubs Skum Romb Cheesecake-Tuttifrutti sauer, 2,6kg
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Bubs Sorbisar 3,8kg
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Bubs Sötlakrits 4,4kg
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Bubs Surskallar Skum, 2,6kg
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Bubs Surskallar, 3,2kg
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Candy People Jordgubb Mini Sura 3kg
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Carletti Hemkola Original 2kg
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Carletti Lakritzknoten 1,5kg
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Cloetta Bridge Original, 20x115g
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Cloetta Djungelvrål 2kg Box
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Cloetta Extra Strong Salmiak, 40 x 25g
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Cloetta POLLY BLÅ, 20 x 130G
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1 to 72 (from a total of 524)