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Halva ist ein finnischer Süßwarenhersteller. Das familiengeführte Unternehmen gehört zu den führenden Produzenten von Lakritz in Finnland.
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Halva Enkku Laku 21 x 240g
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Halva Filled Licorice 15 x 450g
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Halva Finnish sweet original Black Liquorice 24 x 200g
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Halva Hot Salmiakki, 24 x 160g
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Halva King Kong Lakritz, 24 x 135g
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Halva Lakritsi Pastilleja, 30 x 34g
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Halva Lakritsi Pommi Bulk, 1 x 2 kg
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Halva Lakritz Box Frucht/Schoko, 16 x 200g
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Halva Lakritz Box, 16 x 200g
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Halva Lakritz Erdbeer Box, 16 x 200g
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Halva Lakritz Salmiak Box, 16 x 200g
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Halva Lakupala Bulk, 1 x 2,2 kg
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Halva Licorice with Chocolate Salmiac 21 x 230g
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Halva Liqourice with Salmiak, Toffee and Passion 25x125g
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Halva Old Time Sweet Licorice 1,65 kg
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Halva Old Time Sweet Licorice 15 x 450g
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Halva REAL Salmiac - Salmiak-Mischung, 18 x 350g
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Halva Real Salmiac Box, 10 x 230g
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Halva Riegel Lakumatto, 42 x 60g
Finnische süße Lakritzriegel
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Halva Riegel Salmiakkimatto, 42 x 60g
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Halva Ruutu Mix 1 x 2,3Kg
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Halva Salmiakki Jauhis Bulk, 1 x 1,8 kg
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Halva Salmiakki Kalat Box, 10 x 240g
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Halva Salmiakki Pommi Bulk, 1 x 2 kg
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Halva Salmiakki Ruutu 10 x 240g
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Halva Salmiakki Ruutu, 24 x 170g
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Halva Salmiakkimattopala 2Kg
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Halva Salmiakkipastilleja, 30 x 34g
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Halva Salmiakkiruutu Salmiakrauten Bulk, 1 x 2 kg
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Halva Sweet Liquorice Christmas TIN BOX 9 x 300g
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Halva Sweet Liquorice TIN BOX 9 x 300g
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Halva Vanhat Autot Salmiak-Autos Bulk, 1 x 2 kg
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Halva X-Salt Salmiakki Bulk, 1 x 2 kg
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Halva X-Salt Salmiakki, 24 x 120g
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